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- MakhnoHofundLootValhallaOfficerChat . . . February 19, 2022, at 10:48 AM by achmizs: (:UNLISTED:1:)
- BurningCrusadeHunterBISLists . . . December 29, 2021, at 05:44 PM by achmizs: ** [[ | Warpstalker Helm]] (badges) ** [[ | Beast Lord Helm]] (dungeon) [Mechanar] ** [[ | Helm of Desolation]] (dungeon) [Black Morass] ** [[ | Mok'Nathal Mask of Battle]] (heroic) [Durnholde Keep] ** [[ | Earthwarden's Coif]] (quest) ** [[ | Beast Lord Mantle]] (dungeon) [Steamvault] ** [[ | Wyrmfury Pauldrons]] (heroic) [Durnholde Keep] ** [[ | Pauldrons of Desolation]] (heroic) [Slave Pens] ** [[ | Ebon Netherscale Breastplate]] (crafted, BoP) ** [[ | Thick Netherscale Breastplate]] (crafted)
- BurningCrusadeWarriorTankBISLists . . . October 11, 2021, at 12:42 PM by achmizs: ** [[ | Faceguard of Determination]] (badges) ** [[ | Felsteel Helm]] (crafted) ** [[ | Warhelm of the Bold]] (dungeon) [Botanica] ** [[ | Myrmidon's Headdress]] (quest) ** [[ | Spaulders of Dementia]] (heroic) [Sethekk Halls] ** [[ | Shoulderguards of the Bold]] (dungeon) [Shadow Labyrinth] ** [[ | Fanblade Pauldrons]] (heroic) [Auchenai Crypts] ** [[ | Breastplate of the Bold]] (dungeon) [Arcatraz] ** [[ | Bracers of the Green Fortress]] (crafted) ** [[ | Amber Bands of the Aggressor]] (heroic) [Steamvault]
- TheProtectionGuide . . . August 20, 2021, at 06:40 PM by achmizs: Some of the tanking plate out there is itemized quite well for DPS offtanks. Look for items that have armor (derived from ilvl unless it has bonus armor out of its item budget), stamina, strength (or theoretically AP), hit rating (if not hit capped), as well as defense. Some examples of good hybrid DPS tanking pieces from Wowhead: [[;1:1:1;1:1:1#items | 23 DPS tank friendly armor pieces (link).]]
- RecentUploads . . . July 23, 2021, at 08:01 PM achmizs : TheProtectionGuide/elitist-jerks-protection-guide-tbc-chart-armDR.jpg
(22943 bytes)
- BurningCrusadeWarriorDPSBISLists . . . June 25, 2021, at 07:34 PM by achmizs: ** [[ | A'dal's Command]] (reputation)
- AQProgressionStatusFenrir . . . September 16, 2020, at 07:08 AM by achmizs: :2A:1
- AQProgressionPages . . . July 25, 2020, at 12:12 AM by achmizs: !! Status boards !! Status board control pages Edit one of the following page to update the corresponding status board.
- AQProgressionStatusValkyrie . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:46 PM by achmizs: Page copied to WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusValkyrie from WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusJormungand
- AQProgressionStatusJormungand . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:46 PM by achmizs: Page copied to WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusJormungand from WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusNidhogg
- AQProgressionStatusNidhogg . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:46 PM by achmizs: Page copied to WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusNidhogg from WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusSleipnir
- AQProgressionStatusSleipnir . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:46 PM by achmizs: Page copied to WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusSleipnir from WorldOfWarcraft.AQProgressionStatusFenrir
- AQProgressionValkyrie . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:45 PM by achmizs: ! %block header% [_Ahn’Qiraj Progression_][[<<]][_Valkyrie_] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1}':) * %list milestone milestone-one% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_I’m doing my part!_] Attach:The_Scarab_Gong.jpg [_Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj[[<<]] _] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1B} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Roll call_] Attach:Black_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Help your raid’s chosen champion become a Scarab Lord_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1C} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Loadout_] Attach:Viscidus.jpg [_Get 15 people in your raid a nature resist gear set_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1D} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_It’s only a training simulation_] Attach:Gates_of_AhnQiraj.jpg [_Complete AQ 20 within one raid week for your entire roster_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:1E} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_You can panic now_] Attach:AQ40_raid_portal.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 within one raid week[[<<]] _] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:2}':) * %list milestone milestone-two% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusValkyrie$:2A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Bugs, did someone say bugs?_] Attach:Red_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Loot enough bug mounts for everyone on your raid roster_]
- AQProgressionJormungand . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:45 PM by achmizs: ! %block header% [_Ahn’Qiraj Progression_][[<<]][_Jormungand_] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1}':) * %list milestone milestone-one% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_I’m doing my part!_] Attach:The_Scarab_Gong.jpg [_Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj[[<<]] _] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1B} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Roll call_] Attach:Black_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Help your raid’s chosen champion become a Scarab Lord_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1C} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Loadout_] Attach:Viscidus.jpg [_Get 15 people in your raid a nature resist gear set_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1D} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_It’s only a training simulation_] Attach:Gates_of_AhnQiraj.jpg [_Complete AQ 20 within one raid week for your entire roster_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:1E} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_You can panic now_] Attach:AQ40_raid_portal.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 within one raid week[[<<]] _] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:2}':) * %list milestone milestone-two% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusJormungand$:2A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Bugs, did someone say bugs?_] Attach:Red_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Loot enough bug mounts for everyone on your raid roster_]
- AQProgressionNidhogg . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:44 PM by achmizs: ! %block header% [_Ahn’Qiraj Progression_][[<<]][_Nidhogg_] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1}':) * %list milestone milestone-one% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_I’m doing my part!_] Attach:The_Scarab_Gong.jpg [_Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj[[<<]] _] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1B} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Roll call_] Attach:Black_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Help your raid’s chosen champion become a Scarab Lord_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1C} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Loadout_] Attach:Viscidus.jpg [_Get 15 people in your raid a nature resist gear set_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1D} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_It’s only a training simulation_] Attach:Gates_of_AhnQiraj.jpg [_Complete AQ 20 within one raid week for your entire roster_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:1E} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_You can panic now_] Attach:AQ40_raid_portal.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 within one raid week[[<<]] _] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:2}':) * %list milestone milestone-two% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusNidhogg$:2A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Bugs, did someone say bugs?_] Attach:Red_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Loot enough bug mounts for everyone on your raid roster_]
- AQProgressionSleipnir . . . July 24, 2020, at 11:43 PM by achmizs: ! %block header% [_Ahn’Qiraj Progression_][[<<]][_Sleipnir_] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1}':) * %list milestone milestone-one% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_I’m doing my part!_] Attach:The_Scarab_Gong.jpg [_Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj[[<<]] _] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1B} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Roll call_] Attach:Black_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Help your raid’s chosen champion become a Scarab Lord_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1C} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Loadout_] Attach:Viscidus.jpg [_Get 15 people in your raid a nature resist gear set_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1D} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_It’s only a training simulation_] Attach:Gates_of_AhnQiraj.jpg [_Complete AQ 20 within one raid week for your entire roster_] * (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:1E} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_You can panic now_] Attach:AQ40_raid_portal.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 within one raid week[[<<]] _] (:div class='milestone {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:2}':) * %list milestone milestone-two% (:if equal {AQProgressionStatusSleipnir$:2A} 1:)%item done%(:else:)%item not-done%(:ifend:) [_Bugs, did someone say bugs?_] Attach:Red_Qiraji_Battle_Tank.jpg [_Loot enough bug mounts for everyone on your raid roster_]
- AQProgressionFenrir . . . July 24, 2020, at 07:06 PM by achmizs: [deleted] (:css:) body { grid-template: auto / auto; grid-template-areas: unset; --poster-background-color: #ffffe5; --poster-text-color: #800000; --achievement-max-width: 270px; } body::before {
- AQProgressionAchievements . . . July 23, 2020, at 10:28 AM by achmizs: * %list milestone milestone-one% [_I’m doing my part!_] Attach:The_Scarab_Gong.jpg [_Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj[[<<]] _] * [_You can panic now_] Attach:AQ40_raid_portal.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 within one raid week[[<<]] _] * [_That's all you got?_] Attach:Ouro_4.jpg [_Do “Your Momma So Proud” achievement 6 times[[<<]] _] * %list milestone milestone-four% [_Too easy_] Attach:Cthun_2.jpg [_Complete AQ 40 with no deaths[[<<]] _]
- ThrashBladeTesting . . . April 21, 2020, at 03:03 PM by achmizs: justify-items: center;
- ClassicWarriorTankPreRaidBestInSlotList . . . November 07, 2019, at 05:00 PM by achmizs: ||[[ | Verek's Collar]] ||Verek ||Blackrock Depths || || !! Cloaks ||id='cloaks-table' class='items-table' ||!Cloak ||!Drops from ||!Where ||!Notes || ||[[ | Redoubt Cloak]] ||Gordok Tribute chest ||Dire Maul (North) ||A “Tribute run” is required in order to get the Gordok Tribute || ||[[ | Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape]] ||Stonespine ||Stratholme (Undead) (rare spawn) || || ||[[ | Phantasmal Cloak]] ||Jandice Barov ||Scholomance || || ||[[ | The Emperor's New Cape]] ||Emperor Dagran Thaurissan ||Blackrock Depths || ||
- ClassicWarriorPreRaidBestInSlotList . . . November 07, 2019, at 08:40 AM by achmizs: !! Weapons
- MageClassGuideVanilla . . . November 12, 2018, at 02:17 PM by achmizs: !!!! Preferred item stats
- WorldOfWarcraft . . . November 12, 2018, at 11:21 AM by achmizs: [deleted]
- MageDPSTheorycrafting . . . October 23, 2018, at 01:38 AM by achmizs: Consider a simple “tank & spank” boss fight (as a mage, you need do nothing but stand still and do damage, throughout the fight from start to finish). You have two damaging spells: Fireball and Scorch; and one additional ability, Combustion. Fireball and Scorch both do damage to the enemy. They differ in three ways. Fireball takes 3 seconds to cast. Scorch takes 1.5 seconds to cast. Fireball also takes more mana to cast than Scorch. Fireball is more DPS (it does more damage per second); Scorch is more DPM (it does more damage per point of mana expended).