AQ Progression Jormungand
Ahn’Qiraj Progression
- I’m doing my part!
Help open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj
- Roll call
Help your raid’s chosen champion become a Scarab Lord
- Loadout
Get 15 people in your raid a nature resist gear set
- It’s only a training simulation
Complete AQ 20 within one raid week for your entire roster
- You can panic now
Complete AQ 40 within one raid week
Basic Training
- Bugs, did someone say bugs?
Loot enough bug mounts for everyone on your raid roster
- Make it double
Maintain 90 percent attendance or higher on your roster for 5 weeks
- Not bad, maggot
Clear AQ 40 and all old content within one raid week
- Your momma so proud
Complete AQ on one designated raid day and all other content on the other day (split raid)
- That's all you got?
Do “Your Momma So Proud” achievement 6 times
- Make it triple
Maintain 90 percent attendance for 6 weeks while doing “Your Momma So Proud” achievement
Honorable Discharge
- Too easy
Complete AQ 40 with no deaths
- What else do you expect?
Complete all older raid content with no deaths
- No man left behind
Complete AQ 40 and all older raid content within one raid week with no deaths
- Oorah!
Complete AQ 40 and all older raid content on the same raid night