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Recent Changes
- Code . . . January 28, 2019, at 01:51 PM by achmizs:
- GreaterWrong . . . January 14, 2019, at 02:25 PM by Said Achmiz: [[http://www.greaterwrong.com | '''GreaterWrong.com''']] is a viewer for the website [[https://www.lesswrong.com/ | LessWrong 2.0]] (a.k.a. ''lesswrong.com'').[^GreaterWrong.com has no affiliation with LessWrong, LessWrong 2.0, or the LW2 team. It is a wholly independent project.^] It was created with a focus on readability and performance.
- Résumé . . . January 11, 2019, at 01:55 AM by achmizs: %block date% 2012-2013 Human-Computer Interaction, PhD program \ ''Coursework:'' Human-Computer Interaction Design, Usability and Evaluative Methods, Psychology of HCI, Contextual Design, Ubiquitous Computing Computer Science (major), Cognitive Science (minor) \ Brooklyn, NY Computer Information Systems \
- DieBotMobile . . . December 30, 2017, at 03:48 PM by achmizs: [links, images, etc.]
- DigitalBirth . . . December 30, 2017, at 03:48 PM by achmizs: An iPhone game designed to teach partners of expecting mothers the skills needed to support the mother through the process of childbirth. (This project is a collaboration between UC Santa Cruz and UC San Francisco.) I helped design, and implemented, the interface, the data model (that was necessary for creating a realistic simulation of the birth process), and the gameplay. A [[Attach:Achmiz_2012_SURFIT_poster.pdf | poster I presented about the alpha version of the game]]. Some screenshots from the beta version of the game: [[Attach:digital_birth_1.jpg | Attach:digital_birth_1_thumb.jpg]] [[Attach:digital_birth_2.jpg | Attach:digital_birth_2_thumb.jpg]] [[Attach:digital_birth_3.jpg | Attach:digital_birth_3_thumb.jpg]] [[Attach:digital_birth_4.jpg | Attach:digital_birth_4_thumb.jpg]]
- GroupHeader . . . December 30, 2017, at 03:34 PM by achmizs: (:cssend:)
- RecentUploads . . . December 30, 2017, at 03:32 PM achmizs : GreaterWrong/GreaterWrong_screenshot_12.png
(311804 bytes)
- Housemate . . . December 29, 2017, at 03:10 AM by achmizs: %block width=900px% %embed% https://share.obormot.net/misc/Housemate/Housemate_demo.webm %%
- NautiNet . . . December 28, 2017, at 11:11 PM by achmizs: (:title NautiNet:)
- FitnessApp . . . December 28, 2017, at 04:15 PM by achmizs: %subtitle% A Study on Nutrition and Calorie Trackers
- Odin . . . December 28, 2017, at 02:08 AM by achmizs: [deleted]
- Portfolio . . . December 28, 2017, at 02:07 AM by achmizs: [deleted]
- GooglePlusEvaluation . . . December 21, 2017, at 10:29 PM by achmizs: * [[Attach:543_final_presentation.pptx| presentation on the usability testing section of the project]]
- PmWikiSkins . . . December 17, 2017, at 02:38 AM by achmizs: * October
- GradSchool . . . December 14, 2017, at 05:45 PM by achmizs: (:pagelist fmt=#titlespaced group=Portfolio links=+Category.GraduateWork:)
- IDesign . . . December 14, 2017, at 12:06 PM by achmizs: [[Attach:account-landscape.png | Attach:account-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:catalog-landscape.png | Attach:catalog-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:catalog2-landscape.png | Attach:catalog2-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:home-landscape.png | Attach:home-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:login-landscape.png | Attach:login-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:login2-landscape.png | Attach:login2-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:password1-landscape.png | Attach:password1-landscape_thumb.png]] [[Attach:password2-landscape.png | Attach:password2-landscape_thumb.png]]
- OborWiki . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:51 AM by achmizs: (:title OborWiki:) all the code I've done for this... design too...
- Design . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:48 AM by achmizs: [links to other pages]
- IRCClient . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:48 AM by achmizs: [link]
- Research . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:47 AM by achmizs: [link to papers and stuff]
- NUICursorTools . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:46 AM by achmizs: [link to papers and stuff]
- WhistlingLobsters . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:45 AM by achmizs: https://www.whistlinglobsters.net
- DieBotDesktop . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:44 AM by achmizs: (:redirect RPG/DieBotDesktop:)
- PmWikiRecipes . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:42 AM by achmizs: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/SaidAchmiz
- SpectrumInversion . . . December 14, 2017, at 11:38 AM by achmizs: %embed% Attach:SpectrumInversion.pptx %%