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New OborWiki feature: fractions markup (& more)

December 31, 2017, at 01:35 AM by Obormot in Features, Updates (0 comments)

The Fractions Plus recipe is now installed on OborWiki (off by default; you can enable it via the Configurator). It adds simple markup to write fractions in HTML, and some more mathematical markup tidbits.


`3/4 + `1/2 = 1`1/4

34 + 12 = 114

Fractions can contain separator characters:

`567.4/1,100 − `2/50 = `523.4/1,100

567.41,100250 = 523.41,100

Fractions Plus also adds some other markup:

`- (minus)

`* (multiplication)

`/ (division)

<= (less than or equal to)

>= (greater than or equal to)

/= (not equal to)

− (minus)

× (multiplication)

÷ (division)

≤ (less than or equal to)

≥ (greater than or equal to)

≠ (not equal to)

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